wah... i heard my friend said 40 years old uncle... nampaknya 25yo only ah?? yup, my friend also said the medical service is lousy... nobody know what to do and there's no mobile medical unit... sigh...
P/s : I would like to apologies and thanks fellow FB users to message me about the ambulance that came... I apologies that i have mistaken that the ambulance was from St. John...
i got a message from someone that investigation was done and it was a Red Cresent ambulance... If you want to confirm, please get confirmation from HKL :)
I would like to share a tragic incident that happened at Standard Chartered KL Marathon today… When i was running my final 2 km on the 10km… as i was running along the road in front of Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, i saw a guy was sitting on the road side then soon enough he collapsed…
this incident attracted my attention as a guy(a training doctor, named Irkhan) that was trying to help him was shouting for medic.. as i was a trained EFR, i ran over to see what is happening.. (it was around 1 hour into the race for 10km runners)
i got to know that the guy (named Lim) has collapsed and was having seizure.. we tried to place him in recovery position… he was breathing very heavily and shortly and he was also biting his teeth very very hard… i was afraid that he will hurt himself (with either biting his own tongue or he closed up his airway).. so i tried to open up his jaw and tried to communicate wif him to have him relax and breath easily.. he then slowed down his breathing and taking deeper breath…
another lady (Pei Kheng) came to help and constantly monitor on his pulse… and Dr. Visva (was another participant in the run) came over to help…
Then suddenly, his pulse was gone… then we lied him flat and started on CPR procedures… we constantly check on his pulse to check whether his pulse has come back.. we did chest compression and also mouth-to-mouth breathing to Lim… as we were doing the CPR procedures, we did not sight medic anywhere.. and we tried to shout as loud as possible for medic…
After awhile into the CPR procedures, "lady A" said that she could feel his pulse but was very weak.. then we stopped the CPR procedures to see whether he regain consciousness or not… After i stopped the chest compression on Lim, i started shouting for medic services again with the hope that a medic services is nearby and heard us.. but unfortunately not… we only sighted 3 DBKL Officers(with big motorcycles) just stood by the road side and just stare… the did not come over to help or to check out what happened… (it was around 10 minutes that Lim collapse and had seizure)…
after a moment, Lim loose his pulse again.. we started CPR procedures again.. we still did not sight an ambulance or any EMS(Emergency Medical Services) around… after approximately 30 compression, Lim regained his pulse but was very very weak.. and yet.. there was still no ambulance or EMS sighted… and DBKL officers still stood there and did not came over to help… so I informed a passer by to run to the officers to tell them to call for an EMS soonest possible...
after we performed CPR procedures on Lim for the the third time, finally a St. John (sorry for the mistake, the latest info i got.. the ambulance was NOT from St. John) ambulance came after around 15 - 20 minutes after Lim collapsed…
we let the EMS officers to take over the CPR and First Aid… Dr. Visva asked whether do they have the AED(Automated External Defibrillator)… one of the person from the EMS said that they do not have it.. then I asked whether do they have a face mask with pump.. the
那个在DBKL 前面的那个是吗?我过的时候看到有人在帮他做人工呼吸。。。。然后救护车相当久才到。。。
查到了 , 是華人 T.T
現還在上班 , 再多1小時就可以回家了 ....
現在已有"釣魚"現象 !!
wah... i heard my friend said 40 years old uncle... nampaknya 25yo only ah??
yup, my friend also said the medical service is lousy... nobody know what to do and there's no mobile medical unit... sigh...
願死者能安息 .....
st john ambulance....
wah~ RIP...
算是这样的啦。。。。今天还是我第一次trainning 咧。。。。
说老实的,我还是喜欢登山多一点 !
好像叫"Lim“ 的。。。我听到他的朋友一直在喊他的名字
-_-lll...... 要这样拼么?~
saw this in FB http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=441962310357&id=722972758
so sad to hear this...
其實我在跑 21KM 時 , 都會在"水站"看到有醫務隊員在 standby .
而跑到 jln tun razak area 時 , 也有兩三次數的救傷車在身邊過 .
到終點后 , 我們就在一邊閒聊 ..... 就在那時 , 有聽到救傷車響著 siren 走過 ; 還以為是有人昏倒需急救 ....... 但真的想不到會奪去一條人命 .
根據新聞線上的訊息告知 , 死者確實是曾面對心疾 ; 這一類事件 , 我只能說很"無奈" .....
當然 , 根據 facebook 某人現場所見一些"后救"的感想確實讓人感哀傷 .
P/s : I would like to apologies and thanks fellow FB users to message me about the ambulance that came... I apologies that i have mistaken that the ambulance was from St. John...
i got a message from someone that investigation was done and it was a Red Cresent ambulance... If you want to confirm, please get confirmation from HKL :)
I would like to share a tragic incident that happened at Standard Chartered KL Marathon today…
When i was running my final 2 km on the 10km… as i was running along the road in front of Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, i saw a guy was sitting on the road side then soon enough he collapsed…
this incident attracted my attention as a guy(a training doctor, named Irkhan) that was trying to help him was shouting for medic..
as i was a trained EFR, i ran over to see what is happening.. (it was around 1 hour into the race for 10km runners)
i got to know that the guy (named Lim) has collapsed and was having seizure.. we tried to place him in recovery position… he was breathing very heavily and shortly and he was also biting his teeth very very hard… i was afraid that he will hurt himself (with either biting his own tongue or he closed up his airway).. so i tried to open up his jaw and tried to communicate wif him to have him relax and breath easily.. he then slowed down his breathing and taking deeper breath…
another lady (Pei Kheng) came to help and constantly monitor on his pulse… and Dr. Visva (was another participant in the run) came over to help…
Then suddenly, his pulse was gone… then we lied him flat and started on CPR procedures… we constantly check on his pulse to check whether his pulse has come back.. we did chest compression and also mouth-to-mouth breathing to Lim…
as we were doing the CPR procedures, we did not sight medic anywhere.. and we tried to shout as loud as possible for medic…
After awhile into the CPR procedures, "lady A" said that she could feel his pulse but was very weak.. then we stopped the CPR procedures to see whether he regain consciousness or not…
After i stopped the chest compression on Lim, i started shouting for medic services again with the hope that a medic services is nearby and heard us.. but unfortunately not… we only sighted 3 DBKL Officers(with big motorcycles) just stood by the road side and just stare… the did not come over to help or to check out what happened… (it was around 10 minutes that Lim collapse and had seizure)…
after a moment, Lim loose his pulse again.. we started CPR procedures again.. we still did not sight an ambulance or any EMS(Emergency Medical Services) around… after approximately 30 compression, Lim regained his pulse but was very very weak.. and yet.. there was still no ambulance or EMS sighted… and DBKL officers still stood there and did not came over to help… so I informed a passer by to run to the officers to tell them to call for an EMS soonest possible...
after we performed CPR procedures on Lim for the the third time, finally a St. John (sorry for the mistake, the latest info i got.. the ambulance was NOT from St. John) ambulance came after around 15 - 20 minutes after Lim collapsed…
we let the EMS officers to take over the CPR and First Aid… Dr. Visva asked whether do they have the AED(Automated External Defibrillator)… one of the person from the EMS said that they do not have it.. then I asked whether do they have a face mask with pump.. the
這一類的悲劇沒人想 .........
參賽者該好好衡量 ............. 就像我 , 跑到16.5km時突感心跳加速的太利害而不敢再發力 ( 其實想再發力卻已無力 =.=" )
逝者已逝 , 誠心祝願他走好 !!
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